5) Mountain Dew Livewire: A hearty mix of only one of the greatest sodas ever made (Mountain Dew) and the zesty tang of a delicious orange, this pop is a must have in any serious soda-drinker's fridge. I recommend in 2 liter format, because that's where one can savor the flavors of the orange mixed with the Dew the best, especially if you serve it in a glass.

4) Vanilla Pepsi: Better than Vanilla Coke, and great with food. A very rare treat, if you ever see Vanilla Pepsi, go for it, no matter what other options you may have. Good in cans, glass, plastic bottles, whatever, doesn't even need to be that cold. Warm Vanilla Pepsi is actually a delicacy for those of us who are cultured enough to realize and appreciate its true taste.

3) Mirinda Green Apple: I don't think this pop is sold in the United States, what a shame. Miranda is basically Egypt's version of Fanta, a shitty coke brand. Imagine the taste of Green Apple Jolly Ranchers, now mix that with a sprite or something, leave the promethazine out lol. Anyway, its very, very delicious, and leaves a nice apple taste in your mouth for a while.

2) Mountain Dew: Ah, Mountain Dew. The King of all things with High Fructose Corn Syrup. A gamer's fuel, the very liquid running in my veins. Mountain Dew is broken down as follows:
10% label ingredients
50% Water
45% HFCS
5% Heavenly ingredients.
As you can see, Mountain Dew is clearly superior to your favorite soda, and even you. Mountain Dew can be consumed in any way possible, so long as its just consumed. In bottles, glasses, poured over your food, in cans, licked off the table, snorted with a straw, whatever. I've even heard stories of people freezing a cup of Dew and putting a stick in it to make a Mountain Dew Popsicle. That's beast. If you don't have Mountain Dew in your fridge right now, I don't know what to tell you.

1) Fairuz Pineapple: If you haven't ever heard of Fairuz (fey-rooz) Pineapple, its okay, there may still be hope for you. I'm assuming you've never heard of it because you live in America, and never been to Egypt, typical of people who don't have a refined taste in soda. Fairuz itself is a malt beverage, similar to many beers (minus the alcohol of course) and is found in many different flavors including but not limited to: pineapple, grape, apple, orange, mango, and peach. Fairuz was the preferred drink of the biggest badass to ever live, Sir Muharram of Alexandria, great grandfather of the strongest man who ever lived. Its been proven to refresh even the most tired gamer, cure infectious diseases, provide immunity against the rabies-infested dogs in Egypt, and just all around kick ass. Its typical for your average Alexandrian to consume roughly 6 cans of Fairuz a day.
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