Monday, November 10, 2008

Halo vs. Call of Duty Cont...

I'd like to post some montages of various players showing off their Halo/ CoD skills. I would also like to point out that you should pay close attention to what I said in the post beneath this one. If you haven't read it, read it because I don't feel like rehashing all what I just said LOL.

Call of Duty 4 Sniping skills:

Look at how often he changes the clips he is showing, mainly because he is dieing more often to due basic game mechanics. Also pay attention to the maps and how they are made to be give lots of coverage and places to hide for other players.

Halo 3 Sniping skills: (I chose to show you another sniping video in order to limit variables in this debate)

Notice the vehicles, and also notice the fact that there is no difference in view when you scope other than the obvious fact that you zoom in more. What I mean to say is, there is no breathing that might make the sniper move up and down slightly. These are just two random videos I picked out for you guys to see, I tried to limit the bias as much as I could, I have seen both videos, and these players are all very skillful at what they do. Great CoD players are great gamers in general, likewise with great Halo players. Claiming that one game is better than the other just insults those who value both games, like me and the rest of the mature gaming community.

Halo vs. Call of Duty

I decided to take a break from blogging about movies for a while, primarily because I'm not getting any views and also because there have been some interesting conversations I've been having with various people about comparing different video games.
Halo vs. Call of Duty... so many people have thought about this, so many people have just formulated their biased opinion on this subject without much thought, and when you confront these people, they claim that they know what they're talking about. It's really quite frustrating.
I'll try not to give my biased opinion on the subject as much as I can, but if I start seeming to bash a certain side, please excuse me.
Many people say say Halo was a victim to commercialism, that it was one of those games that was famous for being famous. Many others also think that Call of Duty only got its glory because of the fact that it was released after Halo and people started getting sick of Halo so they just started playing Call of Duty. All of those are superficial reasons that distract from the true problem here. Call of Duty, while it has lots of similarities to the Halos, is a fundamentally different game. Fundamentally different game. You can't compare them, you can't compare them because they are first person shooters. That's like comparing apples to oranges because they are fruits, as cliche and lame as that sounds, its the brutal truth.
I've had people come up to me and tell me that Call of Duty is much better because there aren't any vehicles, or that the physics are more realistic. I've had people insist that the reason Halo was better than CoD was because its harder to kill someone in a one on one format in Halo, therefore there is more skill required to compete as an individual. Let me break it down for everyone here, CoD is primarily a team- based shooter, with less emphasis on the individual and more on accomplishing the task at hand. You do this through careful planning and coordination with your teammates using terrain, and things like "air raids" to your advantage. Halo has less focus on team play, seeing as how you can only host sixteen players in a server, and it is considerably harder to kill someone. In CoD, if you get ambushed, there is a 99.99% you will die. It has nothing to do with the skill level of both players. It just is like that. In Halo, fights can last several seconds. Weapons are all the same, there is no ways in which to upgrade weapons or upgrade your character in anyway as opposed to CoD.