Monday, January 5, 2009

Goodfellas Cont....

The movie then moves about ten years later, where Henry, Jimmy, and Tommy are three infamous gangsters who rob and steal at their will, never work, yet live really rich comfortable lives. If they got short on money, they would simply rob an airport, or steal a semi- truck and sell it for big bucks. They really enjoyed the lifestyle they were leading; it seemed as if nothing could go wrong. Henry met a nice woman, settled down, and introduced her to his shenanigans. Eventually though, she realized that he was having many affairs with multiple women, and she attempted to kill him. He coaxed her into putting the gun down gently, then proceeded to threaten to hill HER. Telling her that he dealt with enough in the streets, and that he didn't want to come home to death threats from his wife. He storms out of the house and lives with one of his... mistresses for a while, until Paulie and Jimmy try and talk some sense into him, saying this isn't how a true man lives (even though these men were heartless "me myself and I" people, they still had some decency left in them). Paulie tells Henry he needs to take a few days off and he should head down to Florida with Jimmy to take care of small business for him.

He goes to Florida with Jimmy, but ends up getting caught, or "pinched" for his actions and he and Jimmy are sentenced to ten years in a federal penitentiary, and Paulie is also sentenced to one year. But jail life for wise guys is something else, they had their own suite, ate whatever they wanted, and had no supervision whatsoever. This is also where Henry got into the drug dealing scene. While in jail, the only way he could make money was through selling pills to other inmates, but he was able to make enough to get by.

After he was released from jail, he is warned by a wary and wise Paulie that dealing drugs is a dirty business and he is likely to get caught, and take Paulie down with him. He makes Henry swear that he will have nothing to do with drugs at all, a promise which Henry is quick to break. Rising to the top of the cocaine dealing scene, Henry brings in Jimmy and Tommy to help him in his work; hiring many people to do various jobs for them, escorting the drugs back and forth, actually making the cocaine itself, without paying attention to who these people might be or how reliable they were.

The next big issue that happened was the notorious Lufthansa Heist, the biggest robbery ever committed on US soil. After lots of staging and planning, they went through and stole around six million dollars in cash from the John F. Kennedy airport. After this extravagant act, they were forced to lie low for a while, unable to spend any money because of how tight investigations were on various mobsters. But eventually things started to cool down, and little by little they were starting to enjoy all of their new found wealth. A little while later, Tommy was given the news that he was going to be "made," or that he was going to be allowed to join one of the five mafia families of the United States, little did he know that it was just a setup in order to get revenge on a previous murder he had committed, and he was shot through the head and killed.

After Tommy was gone, Jimmy and Henry got a lot closer together, and started to get a lot more paranoid, but little did either of them know that Henry was under some serious surveillance by "narcs" or narcotics police. As they were attempting to ship off their final stash of crack, Henry was caught and put under arrest.

Henry would later turn states evidence, and give the FBI information regarding Paulie and Jimmy, and he was put under the witness protection program, given a new name and moved to a new location far from his old one, along with his wife and kids. Paulie and Jimmy were both sentenced long terms in prison, where they both would die. The movie ends with Henry explaining how its all over, how his life as a Wise Guy had come to an end, how he had to live now like the average Joe, waiting in lines, having a low end job, etc. The movie ends with Henry walking out of his front door and picking up a newspaper off of his doorstep, looking up, and waving at the camera.

From left to right: Henry, Jimmy, Paulie, Tommy.

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