Thursday, May 14, 2009

9/10 Video games are terrible, and so are the people who play them

After my post about how much professional sports games suck, it came to my attention that the vast majority of video games are terrible.

Here's a list of terrible video games and the people who play them:

1) Madden games. These games are terrible. Its the epitome of today's gag inducing obsession with professional sports. I don't even consider Madden players real gamers. I wonder what goes through their minds sometimes while they're playing.

2) NASCAR games. Racing games in general are terrible, except for a few exceptions. Again, racing games fall under the category of the same game every single year, yet a different skin over the cars and the maps. Nothing new. I have more fun running around a track then playing Need for Speed, and I'd rather be water boarded for twenty four continuous hours than run recreationally. The people who play these games are generally the type of people who will race down to the cafeteria during lunch as soon as they can, proving my hypothesis that they're all sheep.

3) Guitar Hero/Rockband. What is it with these games anyway? Every time I go to a store like Bestbuy or whatever, I see unemployed, "band members" standing in front of the TV jumping around waiting for their turn to do whatever it is people who play this game do. You see, I've never played either of these games. To me, they are a really cheap ripoff of the one and only Dance Dance Revolution, a game which really took skill. I hate people who think they're a rock star playing these games. I see them all the time, they get so into it, it pisses me off. No, you aren't in a band, you're either in high school and never will be in a band, or you're unemployed thinking you'll make it big someday.

4) MMORPG games. MMO games (Massively Multiplayer online role playing games) are games in which a player can create a "character" and assume their role in a massive, real time environment with millions of other people simultaneously. Examples include: Runescape, Star Wars Galaxies, Everquest, and most notorious of all, World of Warcraft. In order to "get better" at these games, one must level their character up. A process which can take anywhere from months, to YEARS.
God, I don't even know where to begin. I'll start with this, I personally know several MMO players who also happen to lead normal, constructive, otherwise unaffected lives. BUT, the other 90+% of MMO players are a completely different story. The negative stereotype that plagues gamers was undoubtedly aimed at MMO gamers. because of the sheer nature of the game, you will be forced to play this game for a very long time, in prolonged periods. In fact, there are stories of people who have admitted to playing World of Warcraft for SIXTY HOURS A WEEK. That's more than eight hours a day, or a full time job. Naturally, parameters like hygiene, weight stability, and overall health are spat on when one plays a game for this long. Again, MMOs are played by millions of people around the globe, there are exceptions to what I've just explained, but I have seen groups of people waiting outside Wall Mart for nearly an entire day, just so they can get their hands on the new expansion or whatever. I have friends who will LOCK themselves into their houses every now and then so they can binge- game. It's a disease, and its infectious too, I almost started playing these games, but I pulled myself away at the last second.

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