Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Relapse Singles So Far

In the time awaiting Eminem's new album, he has released a bit of sample material, as is common amongst rappers these days. The four singles that have hit the streets so far, "Crack a Bottle", "We Made You", "3 AM", and "Old Time's Sake", have their equal share of avid fans eager to get more of the Eminem they thought went away, and people who weren't too crazy about any of them. This is only expected, seeing as back in the days of the Eminem Show, the man was under so much scrutiny and hatred from the public on the subject matter of his rap, something which I'll never understand because A) if this music bothered people so much, why did they listen to it, and B) music relating to the subject material that Eminem rapped about is STILL prevalent today, even in genres other than rap, yet this goes oddly unnoticed.

Crack a Bottle for instance, is looked down upon by a lot of disgruntled mothers upset with his crude lyrics and suggestive themes. Guess what, Slim Shady is back 100%. Have you for a second forgotten who exactly is Slim Shady? The guy who bore the responsibility of corrupting many a young boy's mind after listening to songs like "Superman" and "Guilty Conscience"? Yes, that guy.

His next single "We Made You" is also stirring up quite a bit of controversy lately. In this song, Eminem bashes lots and lots of celebrities, including but not limited to: Jessica Simpson, and Sarah Palin. Naturally, what he said about the latter upset many people who align themselves with Bill O'Reily and his politics. The guy openly came about and expressed his displeasure with Eminem's song, which he feels went too far.

Next, Eminem released the song "3 AM," a horrific tale of a man coping with an addiction to pills who goes on unnaturally violent and grotesque killing sprees while under the influence. Personally, I think this song is easily the best he's had so far on his album. He raps with a really deranged seeming accent, something which many listeners aren't too crazy about. I feel like this actually adds to what the song is supposed to feel like, which is a crazy horror story-type situation.

His last single released so far, "Old Time's Sake" was just released like a day or two ago, so I doubt many people have heard it and have made their own opinions on it, but I like it. The beat is nice, and it feature's Dr. Dre, a long time companion and mentor of Eminem.

The only thing we can be sure about from all of this material, is that the best is yet to come. May 19th can't get here soon enough so we can finally stop holding our collective breaths waiting for this infamous album to land.

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