Thursday, February 12, 2009

Making Bets With Unscrupulous Dogs Named Ethan Hughes

Don't do it. Its not worth your time. They use their slimy, greasy wit to try evade pay up time, only because they always lose their bets because they never think about them for more than four seconds.

If you're wondering why I got off the subject of cars and got off on this odd tangent, let me explain. The other day I made a bet with Ethan that someone else in our class would not show up that particular day. I knew for a fact the person in question wasn't going to show up, because I had spoken with him earlier that day and figured out that he had fallen ill, and advised him to not come to class. We were betting on the sum of $2.00. Generally, we give the absentee until the end of class to show up, as expected he didn't. Grinning from ear to ear, I meandered over to the Ethan, anxious to reap my rewards. I was confronted with a collection of the most nonsensical, Bulls*** excuses on why I couldn't get my money on that day. Being the generous, understanding man that I am, I allowed him to repay me on the following day, provided he add one quarter to the sum, to make up for the inconvenience of not being able to purchase a pop that day.

The next day, I approached Ethan and asked, again, for my money. He told me it ws no problem and he had the money on him, and the second we got settled in our seats, I would be paid. This unscrupulous bastard then zips open his heap of trash sewn together into something similar in shape to a backpack, and brandishes an oblong shaped object, caked from end to end in grime and filth. He hands said object to me, squinting to try and make out whatever the hell it actually was, I was able to make out the familar shape of a soft drink bottle. This bottle was housing what appeared to me as a pile of human feces. Upon closer inspection, I realized that I was actually looking at a collection of pennies. Not just any pennies, these pennies looked as if they had been retrieved from the foulest, most inhospitable environment ever to be found on the face of the planet, Ethan Hughes' crapfest wagon, also known as his car.

If you aren't familar with this infamous plague that ruins the very asphalt it drives over, its no big deal. Just walk outside one day, and follow the undeniable stench of old socks mixed with McDonald's fries, and cheap cologne. You can't miss it. Anyhow, I am now the owner of this nightmare, and I know not how to dispose of it. I am legitimately scared of throwing it away, I fear what it can do to should it be left alone. It might mutate into a foul monster that runs rampant in the streets, choking little babies and elderly women to death just for the laughs. You see, I struck a deal with the devil himself, and I am now in a situation reminiscent of Fordo and his plight with the ring. I must find a way to dispose of this sticky, disgusting bottle of Sunkist, within it a collection of tokens from the devil's chariot itself, and when I do, I will seek my revenge on those who have brought this burden upon me.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Why I Made The Sandbox

Why indeed, why indeed...

Hell I know why, my teacher made me. This was an assignment. To blog three times a week, every week, producing three posts totaling 1200 words in each week. Sounded like A LOT. It was a lot, it is a lot. But its grown on me. Its gotten to be a little more than a chore now, sometimes I find myself anxious to write down the things that come to mind on my blog. I got on to some topics that I like and really like to discuss and debate, so I kind of opened the door for myself and made it easier to blog. While other students in my class were being mercilessly pounded by the periodic, unannounced blog checks, I found myself passing through these easily, I think at some point I was actually a little ahead of the game, a few posts ahead of the weekly quota.

But I still don't know what I actually think about blogging itself. At times it seems really, really superfluous and unneeded, just people retelling things that I can find anywhere, and often times their opinions just flat out don't matter. Some blogs are written by educated people it appears, who have a strong passion for their subject, and can drop multi- page posts every hour easily; they've turned blogging into an art. Other blogs, typically the ones written by stay at home parents, and other people with way too much time on their hands, consist of pictures taken while on vacation, and lengthy explanations of why

But the main issue I see is simple. Blogging, the actual writing and maintenance of a blog is quite easy, as in, you don't need to take a class on how to do it. You just write, write about whatever your topic is. All it takes to hold an audience to a blog is a good subject matter, and good writing skills. Neither of those need to be taught in a blogging class, they each have their own place where they are taught. I don't know if I'm relaying what I'm trying to say well enough here... Here's the situation: BLOGGING itself is almost too self- explanatory. You pick something to write about, sign up to a site like this, and you write about it. There isn't any magic. If it sounds easy, that's because it really is. The main problem that I noticed with my blog, and other peoples' blogs, was the lack of issues to discuss. The problem wasn't found with blogging itself.

But blogging is fun, sometimes you have a personal experience that you want to just get out there, for the public to see, and blogging is a great way to do it. Just don't expect anything from me for a LOOOOOOOOOONG time. I was told if I write about why I write, I don't have to write anymore. ;)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Luxury Cars

There are very few things in this world that can appease a man more than riding in a very nice car. By their very nature, they ride really easy, making you feel like you aren't moving, completely separating the passengers from the road. Driving through the Amazon or the Grand Canyon would feel like you were driving down a smooth highway. But none of that compromises the raw power that is found in these cars. The Mercedes- Benz S600, with a V12 engine, would run straight through a tank and come out on the other side with only a small scratch that a little wax could take care of.

Luxury cars are a very special type of car, there are lots of them, but the ones worthy of mentioning are only a few. A very, very, small few. There are lots of "luxurious" cars out there that are basically moving billboards screaming, "I HAVE TOO MUCH MONEY AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SPEND IT ON!!!." Those kinds of cars are a dime a dozen. BMW Z4s, Mercedes- Benz CLKs, Cadillac CTSs, just to name a couple off the top of my head. Cars that you see ignorant, snooty high school girls driving, COMPLETELY oblivious to whatever the hell's underneath the hood. Don't expect any of that here.

But there is one thing that I need to clear up. The stereotype that ALL people who drive luxury cars of of the same mold of people mentioned above is completely false. There are people out there who value their cars and not just because other people think they look nice. People who understand the sheer power and technology that their car possess, the kind of damage they can do with it, the kind of havoc they can wreak if they want to, the people who make the car look a lot better, not the other way around.

All this talk about luxury cars, and I haven't mentioned a single one I don't think, nor have I even shown a single picture. All not without my reasons, I want to build up some hype for these cars before I show them to whoever is reading this blog... if there is anyone reading this blog... By the way, feel free to post a comment whenever you like about anything you see... anyone... Anyway, eventually I will make some sort of top ten list or something with all of the awesome cars out there. I don't want to sound narcissist or anything, with more than half of my recent posts all being Top Ten lists of my favorite _______s, but most of the time my lists aren't exclusive to my taste, the majority of the people who are interested in what I talk about would agree with what I have to say... Anyway, I got off on my second tangent there, but yeah, eventually I'll get back on to this discussion of cars.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I'm deciding to move away a little bit from my frequently discussed topic, whatever that may be, I don't really know actually... Anyway, I have a passion for cars. I like reading about cars, I like studying cars, driving cars, anything that has to do with cars, I enjoy thoroughly. There is one condition though, they must be good cars. I have a very, very fine taste when it comes to cars I like to believe. If you ask me what I think about a car, and it doesn't happen to be a very nice, classy, beastly car, then I look to that as an insult to my knowledge on cars, which is quite vast. I don't like settling for just any type of car. If you find yourself unaware of the car that I'm discussing, then feel free to meander your way to This is a very nice website for anyone who likes to look at cars, pretty easy to navigate your way through, and really up to date on all of the new stuff. It's really good about explaining technical terms, like torque, horsepower and other things of the sort.

So you're probably wondering what kind of cars I like. After my audacious acts of flaunting my taste in cars as to be the best of all time, its only appropriate that I prove it to my viewers by showing them exactly what they are.

I personally favor European cars above all else, primarily German cars, then Italian cars. Occasionally I'll admire or give props to an English car. There are very few and rare exceptions to non- European cars. Like one, or maybe two non- European cars that I'll even recognise. There are two different types of cars that I like to discuss: Luxury, and sport. There are cars that lean towards one end of the spectrum much more than the other, and there are some cars that like to balance between sport and luxury, and most of the one's I'll discuss here manage to mantain this balance very, very, VERY well.

That's all I'm able to say right now, But I'll leave you with this last treat,

Just watch as this Lamborghini stomps all over a fighter jet in a race. Lamborghini Reventons, crafted in the deepest reaches off hell, this car screams raw power and speed, it looks like some sort of superweapon the US Government has stored somewhere in Area 51, you don't want to piss one of these off... yes they have feelings by the way. I'll devle more on this later...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Taken is a new movie that was released late January, I just saw it this last weekend. The movie stars Liam Neeson and Maggie Grace. I didn't know really how cool Liam Neeson was until I'd seen this movie, I think he has the best voice in all of Hollywood. He sounds extremely badass, and looks like he can cause a lot of carnage if he wants to, verbally and physically. I found the story to be particularly interesting, I don't think this topic has been done before actually.

Bryan Mills (Neeson) is a retired government worker, or "preventer" as he likes to call himself. His wife left him due to his being away all the time, takes their daughter Kim, and marries an extremely rich business tycoon. Due to his sporadic, irregular lifestyle, Bryan rarely gets any time at all to spend with his daughter, and the gap between them increases greatly. He finally retires and moves to LA where he wants to try and reconnect with Kim. On her seventeenth birthday party, he bought for her a little karaoke machine, because last he'd heard she wanted to become a singer when she grew up, but her mom and step dad bought her a pony, a heartbroken Mills goes home and drinks it away with his old coworkers. A few days later, his daughter asks him to go out to lunch together, an eager Bryan hurries there, only to realize that this was a clever ruse on her part in order to coax him into signing a release form so she can "go to Paris," when in reality she was going on a European tour, following some random rock band. Being the paranoid man he is, he very reluctantly signs the form, still unaware of what she really plans to do.

After landing in Paris, Kim and her friend Amanda are greeted by a friendly, Parisian boy who invites them to a party that will be going on later tonight. Little do they know that they just gave their apartment address to a team of women traffickers. This is where the movie starts to get really interesting. Later that day, a crowd of Albanian men barge into their apartment and abduct both of the girls. Kim managed to explain to her dad quickly on the phone he gave her exactly what was going on, he later used the voices he heard on the phone call to track down who these men where. He finds out that Kim and Amanda are destined to become drug- addicted sex slaves for the rest of their lives. The time he has to save them until their fate is sealed? 96 hours.

Mills then takes his ex- wife's husband's private jet to Paris, where he starts kicking some Albanian ass. Possibly the coolest scene in the movie is when he's chasing down the French boy who first approached the girls, and after a couple minutes of pursuit, the kid jumps over a bridge, lives, stands up, and gets splattered everywhere by an oncoming bus. After many disguises, guns, and negotiating with the Albanian pimps, he's led to where his daughter is being auctioned off to some high class Arabians. He extorts one of the people to buy the girl so he knows where she's going, and jumps in a beastly Audi A8 and chases down the boat where she is being loaded, kills the huge, semi naked Arabian sheik who about to undress his daughter, and brings her back to the United States.

This movie is pretty cool. Don't expect something of Fight Club caliber or anything, but its a good action movie that gets the blood flowing. And its a really quick movie, there is always something happening, to keep even the most mundane, easily amused, quickly bored monkeys glued to the screen until the end.

Top Ten Movies of All Time

10) Saving Private Ryan: One of the most gut- wrenching, adrenaline pumping war movies ever made, Saving Private Ryan is able to accomplish something truly great, it stands out amongst the plethora of superfluous World War II movies. And it isn't just a hodgepodge of action, there is a really deep story behind this movie. Winning five Oscars, this movie was a hit when it came out, and it still remains one of the most classic movies in United States history. With all of the action, blood, chaos and violence going around, Steven Spielberg still manages to do what he does best, mixing in emotions and the character's feelings and making you think a little bit, which most movies don't require nowadays.

9) Raging Bull: The best sports movie of all time, and that's saying something. There are a lot of really nice sports movies out there, Remember the Titans, Rocky, and Hoosiers, but this one takes the cake. Starring Robert DeNiro, this movie talks about the life of a wild, short- fused, socially inapt boxer and his struggles inside and outside the ring. The best man for the job, DeNiro is able to capture this personality so well, this was the first movie I'd ever seen of him, and I thought that's how he was all the time. Directed by Martin Scorsese, who isn't known for anything other than making outstanding movies, regardless of the genre. A definite top ten choice, even if you aren't a fan of sports movies.

8) The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King: One of the most epic war movies of all time. Possibly the best movie ever based on a book. Never had a book been made into a movie that is arguably better than the book itself, until this piece of art was dropped in 2003. One of the few movies over three hours that I can sit through, and thoroughly enjoy as well. This movie also happened to win eleven Oscars. ELEVEN OSCARS. Everything that this movie did, it perfected. A classic book, the last installment in one of the most renowned fantasy series of all time, could anyone have settled for anything less? Unless you're a four year old girl who has the attention span of a rat, then this is a movie that you need to watch and enlighten yourself on what a great movie looks like.

7) The Dark Knight: The best new movie I've seen in a long, LOOOOOOONG, time. Finally, a movie with an actual story, something that keeps me at the edge of my seat the whole way through. 2008 seemed like a very crappy year for movies with a few notable exceptions, this one in particular. Hardcore Batman fans, just casual admirers of the superhero, and people who are completely unaware of who this guy is all enjoy this movie. There's no doubt then, that it reached the record for the shortest amount of time to reach the $500 million mark. Shoving aside the Titanic. Heath Ledger killed everyone else, his role as the Joker was almost too good to believe. Soon enough, this movie will be considered a classic, and I will move this up the list quite a bit.