Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Snow Days

I thought that in celebration of the first snowday of the year, I would write an entry solely on snowdays.

Snowdays are a peculiar phenomenon. They are everyone a young student could wish for. Random, unannounced, intermittent days off from school that sometimes do nothing less than save ones life. All too many times, some poor soul has been spared getting ruthlessly ravaged by a math or science test, due to a snowday, like myself today. All too often, has a snowday revitalized someone, helping them get back on track, get back on their feet, so they can brave school the next day. All too often, my friends, has a snowday been coupled with a weekend, or better yet, a break, and gave people a little more time before they had to go back to school after prolonged periods of not being there.

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say, if I go to sleep at night thinking that there will be a snowday, but I'm not sure, its the worst pain that a person can experience. That nagging in the back of my head saying that when I wake up tomorrow its going to be sunny, and school will carry on as usual. That feeling that sucks all the hope out of me, that forces me to do my homework even though I'm aware that I might not need it done for the next day. And then, there is that defining moment, the climax of this whole story... when I wake up early at around five in the morning, and pray to God that there is no school and check to see if there is school or not. I either get a happy, elated, ecstatic feeling course through me, or a get a stone plummet to the bottom of the my stomach and get slapped in the face by the harsh reality that I do have school.

Assuming that we do get a snowday, and we finish said snowday, and start approaching night, many feelings start to sink in. Feelings that are associated with leaving a nice place, the first day of school, and that post- big party feeling. Like that's it... all that I looked forward to is gone. That was the big snowday. Damn did that fly by. Bittersweet, as I like to call it. And then the harsher reality hits you that you have to make it up at the end of the year, unless you're a senior, unlike myself.

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