Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Transporter 3

Over Thanksgiving Break, I went with a large crowd of avid Audi and Mercedes fans to go watch the long expected movie, Transporter 3. I haven't seen the first two installments in this series... so I kind of had no clue what was going on, but overall I'd consider this movie decent. If you're a brainless zombie that experiences pleasure in watching senseless action and morbidly unrealistic stunts performed by some hothead. If you are of that category, than you would consider this movie decent. Otherwise, don't waste your time.

From the very beginning, I could tell that this movie was one of those movies that has lots and lots of action, but the story is just a little piece at the side that no one really cares about. So they make up for that fault buy having even more action sequences. The "story" that I was able to squeeze out of this one hour and forty- five minutes is as follows: Frank Martin (Jason Statham) is a "transporter" whose job is to... um... transport the kind of hot female Ukrainian, Valentina back to her father after she was kidnapped due to some business issues regarding some environmental issues (bad ass right?) And along the way he encounters random big tough guys followed by an entourage of several more tough guys who all engage in combat with Frank in a one by one basis and all get, owned, if you will by his crazy martial arts skills.

Valentina has the most peculiar personality. At first she's acting like a lost little five year old girl that's trying to act all spoiled and doesn't want to give the guy whose supposed to save her any information. Slowly though, more specifically after she watches Frank beat some ten fifteen people with his bare hands and his suit's tie... she starts to loosen up a bit. She starts opening up to Frank, and then she completely flips into some horny, high, playful girl that wants to forget all about the mission of saving her life and have some fun with Frank. All of this is going on while Frank is dodging bullets, trucks, and an array of other obstacles on the road in his beastly Audi A8.

Than some more action happens, his car sinks in a lake and he pulls it out using the air from his tires, he drives said car onto a moving train and kills all of the bad guys. The End.

After writing this, I realized that I liked this a lot less than what I thought I did... lol.

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