Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snow Sucks

I haven't read the comments, but I'm almost positive that this happened in Iowa, if not Cedar Rapids. Snow sucks. I hate it, I hate it with a passion. Yesterday I went out to get the mail and I slipped and fell on my butt like five times. It took me like three minutes to drive up my driveway, my car was at about 6000 rpm, but I was going about four or five miles an hour. I honestly think that we shouldn't have school during the winter at all. Its ridiculous, all it does is cost everyone accidents, higher heating bills, and the happiness that gets sucked out as quickly as the day passes by. I can't think of anything worse than waking up when its pitch black, going to school, and by the time you leave you school, its already pitch black again. What the hell? I mean seriously... December, January, February, if we don't get school off, then we should at least get half days.

Snow also makes everyone have to stay inside. There is nothing more inviting to become a lazy bum and play video games all day and gain enormous amounts of weight and heart problems than staying inside all day. By the time winter is over, we look like those people in that one tall tale, Paul Bunyan or whatever its called. When there is this really really long winter and after its over everyone comes out of their houses with really long beards and such. That's how I feel at least. I don't like the cold at all. Its so uninviting, so depressing, so sickly. I would pay really good money for an opportunity to move to a place where its nice most of the year. Florida, Cali, Texas, whatever. I can't imagine what it would feel like to just throw a light coat over myself in mid December. I don't think those people really understand the blessing they have.

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