Monday, April 13, 2009

Dragonball: The Greatest of All Time

Ladies and gentlemen, I only recently noticed that I have committed a heinous crime, a very heinous crime. Throughout this entire forsaken blog, I have not once mentioned to my fellow reader(s?) about my connection with the greatest show of all time, Dragonball Z. Ladies and gentlemen, if only you knew how much this show meant to me when I was a kid. I proudly declare myself the all knower of EVERY SINGLE THING Dragonball related, I am the supreme holder of this title. And everyone who knew anything about Dragonball Z knew it.

Back in early grade school, if anyone had a question about the show, it was me who they came to. I would sit on my throne in the swing set, while humble, DBZ rookies would come and question me about the show, or wish to debate me. I would cause them all to leave with sore behinds due to the sheer severity of the shaftation they received. One particular day, a big, hairy (this guy was in fifth grade and he had facial hair), smelly boy came to me and challenged my supreme knowledge of the show. Approaching me with his entourage of fifth grade bullies, they pushed everyone aside as I sat calmly under the shade of the trees in the field, as I usually did during recess in between bouts of mock Dragonball Z fighting with all of my other friends. With a loud, defiant tone, the guy asked me if I could thoroughly explain to him the dialogue two particular characters had in one specific episode. Thinking that he had one, he started guffawing with all his henchmen who followed suit. I slowly chuckled a proclaimed, "those characters weren't even in that episode son, here's what really happened..."

You see people, while most other little kids during elementary school were busy playing with barbie dolls and watching god awful shows like Teletubbies, Barney, and whatever hell else people that age watched, I was an infinite number of steps ahead of them, watching Dragonball Z. A show filled to bursting limit with violence, gore, profanity, and other vices that people only started watching many, many years later. There were even episodes that weren't allowed to be released in the United States, due to sheer amounts of suggestive information, that I would watch, IN JAPANESE, on the computer.

No matter how many examples I bring up people, I will never to justice to myself in explaining exactly how much I loved this show. I vividly remember owning Dragonball Z toys, clothes, underwear, video games, hats, shoes, sunglasses, lunchboxes, entire DVD box sets, the works people. If it was Dragonball related, I owned it. No questions asked. Every single Dragonball related website on the internet, I knew, and posted on. So why am I bringing all of this up you might ask? Because the other day I rounded up my old school Dragonball friends, and we went and saw the movie, Dragonball: Evolution. A movie which I have proclaimed the worst of all time.

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