Thursday, April 9, 2009

More movies that I hate

3. Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions. Honestly, I can't differentiate between these two movies at all. They all seem like one massive blur to me. The only scene I remember from any of these two movies is the obnoxious love scene in Reloaded. Everything else is literally one massive conglomeration of stupid meaningless dialogue and repetitive action sequences. I had more fun writing this review than I did watching the actual movies, and I'm extremely angry right now, at having to even remember those two atrocities. 3/10.

4. Harry Potter Series. Now, when I was a lot younger, I was quite a fan of the book series, as was everyone else my age, so long as they had the required intelligence level to actually read the books and understand what was going on. When I first heard the books were being made into movies, I went crazy happy. I left the movies with a gloomy outlook on life. If I ever have to hear that annoying theme music ever again, I may have to be forced into a straightjacket and thrown into a padded room. Again, the movies are too long. It seems as if every terrible movie decides to draw itself out as long as possible in a hopeless attempt to make the audience forget how terrible it actually was. It actually worked on some people. These movies are actually a hit for some reason, and I hear they're working on the sixth installment. I also hear that its going to be so long, that they've partitioned the movie into two different parts. That's a new level of stupid right there. I've read the sixth book, its SHORTER than the preceding one, how can the movie possibly be longer??? 2.5/10.

5. Titanic. I have never seen this movie, so I really don't have the right to write a lengthy hate- filled review on why I despise this movie, but its my blog and not yours haha. I hate this movie like none other. I think it might actually be LONGER than Braveheart when it comes to run time, but should I ever have the extreme misfortune of having to sit through this movie, and feel the need to get up and take a break, I would not unpause the movie, therefore making it seem shorter than Braveheart. All I understand about this movie is that its a massive love story. From the start, that doesn't spark an atomic sized shred of interest within me. I remember once I was at a friend's house, and I was flipping channels mindlessly and I happened to flip over the Titanc. Immediately, his obnoxious sister started jumping up and down screaming, "oh my God its the titanic, the TITANIC, bring it back NOW!!!!!" So I flip back to the movie, and watch for several seconds as a couple stand on the deck of a massive ship staring at each other, saying nothing, with the sun setting in the background. Immediately, my friend's sister's eyes swelled with tears, for reasons I still can't understand, and I changed the channel before I got too disgusted and threw the TV out of the window. 0/10.

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