Thursday, April 30, 2009

Madden-ingly stupid

Nothing screams total noob gamer and vapid, mindless, sports buffoon who will never take anything out of wasting their life away in front of ESPN to me like someone who plays sports games. Any sports game at that. But I've devoted this post to discussing the worst culprit of them all, the Madden franchise.

I don't know what it is. I don't understand what the appeal is. Since around 2003, my friends have been buying the latest installment of Madden every time it comes out. Honestly, I'll be damned if I can tell the difference between any of them. They're buying the SAME, FIFTY DOLLAR PLUS VIDEO GAME YEAR AFTER YEAR. And once a predecessor comes out, they instantly shun the older editions until they've accumulated a stack knee high of Madden games which will never be played ever again because the teams in the game aren't up to date with what's happening in real life. WHO CARES.

No one cares if Brett Favre transferred teams. No one cares what the yards per game of Adrian Peterson is. No one could give less of a shit what the passes/completions ratio of Tom Brady is. By no one, I mean no one who has the mental capacity to realize that professional sports is arguably the biggest waste of time known to man. Yeah, I'll watch the Superbowl, only because I like getting together with my friends and eating ridiculous amounts of snacks and watch the hilarious commercials. Yeah I'll watch the World Cup, because it is easily the most important event of the year when it occurs and I happen to be from Egypt, a country that eats, lives, and sleeps soccer. But to think that I'd waste a solid three hours of my day, several times a week, to watch "the game" is outrageous. No I didn't see "the game" last night. Don't ever ask me that question. Don't make me assure my assumption that you're an idiot for watching "the game" yourself, let me just live in uncertainty.

I've never owned a replica sports jersy in my life, and never will. No, I'm not Michael Vick or Paul Pierce, why would I wear a shirt claiming that I am? They don't care about their fans, they make millions of dollars to play with a ball, you're an avid fan who will never meet these people yet idolize them for no apparent reason other than the fact that they can run fast. Here's a hint, if you get so aroused watching them play sports, why don't you get off your lazy ass and get better at the game yourself? As slim as the chance maybe, you might end up in a professional team yourself, with jersey's named after you. That'll never happen, because you aren't as good as them, and never will be, so you're damned either way.

God I hate professional sports/profesional sports games.


Ethan Johnstone said...

You claim that your entire country watches soccer, and that its more than just a sport for them, its an opputinity for fellowship/social interaction ect.. Well welcome to America, its the same way with football and baseball here. For instance me and my father watch the cheifs play whenever they play on tv, which is virtually every week, it is our bonding time, our social interaction, sports are more than just a game with scores, they are the catalyst of social exchange and fellowship exactly like soccer for Egypt.

obi said...

I see what you're trying to say. Let me clarify on who exactly I was targeting in this post. I am referring to those people who get home from work everyday and ROT in front of ESPN for the rest of the night. I like getting together to watch sports, and I respect people who do as well. But when you can rant off the 3 point percentages of random college basketball players, I think that's a little asinine.

Ethan Johnstone said...

Yes, I will agree without a second thought that people who stalk professional atheletes and their exact performance are extremely pretentious and have no lives whatsoever, but there is a friendly everyday guy who knows what players are good,and knows who his favorite team drafted ect..

obi said...

I am specifically targeting the fringe, the people who have professional sport team emblazoned cups, clothes, toys, remotes, etc.