Thursday, April 30, 2009

More on why I hate emo/punk/metal/goth culture

I realized that a mere 500 words is not nearly sufficient to thoroughly explain my hatred and rationale behind said hatred of these individuals.

For starters, What purpose do these people serve? Absolutely NOTHING. Unless you count adding to the asshattery of the Kennedy halls during passing time, then they are utterly worthless. 100% of them, quote me on this, fail at school. Some of them might actually have a small shred of intelligence buried somewhere under their mass of dirty hair, but they never apply themselves. They'd rather sit at their desks blaring their slipknot shit or whatever they listen to until they go deaf at 30 because of lack of care for their bodies.

Now, by now, you must be thinking "Well I listen to genre X of music listed above, yet I don't consider myself like these people at all!!" The truth is, if you align yourself with these people at all, as in, you listen to their music, you are one of them. I don't care if you're a "death metal" fan as opposed to a "trash metal" fan. I haven't the slightest idea in hell what the difference is, and as far as I'm concerned, if you find someone wearing chained pants and fake blood all over their face cool, you are one of them yes.

Here is a quote from Maddox, the author of easily the Best Page in the Universe, someone who is with no doubt entitled to make blanket statements about people and everyone should accept them with no questions asked.

Gothics. When they're not getting their asses kicked, they're busy getting drunk and having sex with dead animals.

As you can clearly see, these people have some serious issues that need to be dealt with ASAP. Like I've stated before, they're just faking to get attention, that's all it is. There are other ways to deal with problems in your life. Doing drugs, burning churches, and inflicting physical pain on yourself is the coward way out in my opinion. These people need to wake up and realize that they aren't helping their situation at all doing what they're doing.

I think I've said all there is to say about these people and why they suck. Thanks for hearing me out.


Mr. Ayers said...

Everything you said here could've been said of people who like gangsta rap.

Mr. Ayers said...

And of course, it would be ridiculous if it were said of them, too.

obi said...

The fact of the matter is, I believe that the majority of "gangsta" rap's topics and cultural practices have meaning behind them. This depth, I believe, is nonexistent in the goth, emo, etc. scene.